One comment on “Sermon Redux – Part 11 of The Road to the Resurrection – ‘Mary and John Beneath the Cross’ – John 19:25b-27

  1. That brief scene begs a few questions:

    1) Why on the cross?

    2) Why did He bypass one of His own brothers?

    3) Why John?

    There seems to have been a special relationship between Jesus and John (the disciple whom Jesus loved).

    4) Was that why He chose John?

    5) Why were they four women there at the foot of the cross?

    It seems to me that there is too much made of Jesus calling His mother “woman”, because, even though He called her “woman” several times, He was not being disrespectful. Maybe calling her “woman” didn’t carry the kind of negative connotation we are assuming.

    God bless!


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